what is gas law?

Dear StudentGas laws are the laws that establish a relation between pressure, volume and tempertaure of a gas.There are 4 laws:1.Boyle's lawP α 1V, at constant T2.Charle's lawV α T, at constant P3.Gay Lussac's lawP α T, at constant V4. Avogadro's lawV αnThese laws combine to give an equation, which is called ideal gas equation.PV=nRTRegards

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Gas?laws, laws that relate the pressure, volume, and temperature of a?gas. ... Boyle's law?named for Robert Boyle?states that, at constant temperature, the pressure P of a?gas?varies inversely with its volume V, or PV = k, where k is a constant.
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laws that relate the pressure, volume, and temperature of a gas.
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