what is meant by -------------

1. proliferation of lymphocytes occur,

2. effector cell,

3. anamnestic response

4. groin

5. thrive

Answer1: It is the rapid formation or multiplication of lymphocytes. Infact Proliferation word refers to reproducing rapidly. Hence the phrase implies the rapid formation of lymphocytes in response to the body imune system during encounter with the antigen/foreign particles.

2. Effector Cells: These are the B-lymphocytes cells which produce antibodies in the body usually in response to attack of pathogens. They are induced by T memory cells to produce antibodies. 

3. Anamnestic Response: It is  also be termed as the secondary immune response. It is nothing but the rapid production of antibodies in response to the specific antigen. It si based upon the memry cells of Immune system.

4. Groin: It is the area between the top of thighs and the abdomen. OR The crease or hollow at the junction of the inner part of each thigh with the trunk, together with the adjacent region and often including the external genitals.

5. Thrive: It refers usually gowing vigourously and healthily. It may not be confused with survive. Survive simply refers to the existence of a thing without considering any quality or quantity factor while thrive considers the quantity as well as quality factor. Eg:- A plant may survive in extreme condition but cannot thrive in it.

Hope this helps you!!

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