What is meant by mitochondrion?

an organelle found in large numbers in most cells, in which the biochemical processes of respiration and energy production occur. It has a double membrane, the inner part being folded inwards to form layers (cristae).
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The mitochondrion is a double-membrane-bound organelle found in most eukaryotic organisms. Some cells in some multicellular organisms may, however, lack them
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Structures located in the cell's cytoplasm outside the nucleus. Mitochondria are responsible for energy production. Each consists of two sets of membranes: a smooth, continuous outer coat and an inner membrane arranged in tubules or in folds that form plate-like double membranes (cristae). The mitochrondria are the principal energy source of the cell. They not only convert nutrients into energy but also perform many other specialized tasks.
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these are small rod like structures found in all cells. it gives power to the cell for all activities .the energy is produced by the oxidation of food.thus often, this is also known as the power house of the cell.
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Mitochondria also known as power house of the cell has F1or oxysome particles in which ATP is Synthesised
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