what is palmella stage in euglena?

Palmella stage is a type of asexual reproduction found in some algae mainly in  Chlamydomonas, Euglena etc.It is formed in unfavourable conditions.
In palmella stage, the parent cell divides in the same manner as it divides during zoospores production, except that the zoospores produced remain enclosed within a gelatinous mass, instead of being liberated. The walls of the zoospores  get gelatinised and provide slimy texture to this  aggregated structure. Production of the new zoospores is continued, and size of this gelatinous mass keeps increasing. This gelatinous mass containing zoospores is called palmella stage,
It is named so, because it resembles an algae named Palmella. With return of favourable conditions, the mucilage dissolves and the zoospores separate, and each gives rise to a new individual.

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the aggregation of group of Non-Flagellated Daughter euglena is called pallmela stage
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