what is past perfect progressive?

The past perfect progressive tense indicated a continuous action that was completed at a certain specific point of time in the past. This tense is formed with the modal 'had' and 'been', plus the present participle of the verb ending with -ing.

Instances of the same are:

- I had been working in the office all day long.

- They had been visiting places since last year Christmas.

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The past perfect progressive puts emphasis on the course or duration of an action taking place before a certain time in the past.


  • A: He had been talking.
  • N: He had not been talking.
  • Q: Had he been talking?


  • action taking place before a certain time in the past
  • sometimes interchangeable with past perfect simple
  • puts emphasis on the course or duration of an action

signal words

  • for, since, the whole day, all day
  • 2

oops any problem is there??????????

past perfect progressive and past perfect continuation is same.........

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