what is perimeter and area?

Perimeter of a figure may be defined as the sum of all the lengths of a figure.

For example, consider a square. We know that a square has 4 equal sides.

Therefore, perimeter of square = side + side + side + side = 4 × side of square

Similarly, area of a given figure is the surface covered by a closed figure.

For example,

ABCD is a closed figure and the surface covered by it is shown with red colour. 

The red coloured region is the area covered by ABCD. 

For different figures we have different formulas of finding the area.

For example, area of rectangle = length × breadth and Area of square =  side × side 

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The sum of the lengths of all sides of a closed figure is called its perimeter. The amount of surface a plane closed figure covers is called its area.

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