What is quartilater

quatrila is made up of 4line segment and all angles and sides are equal
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A figure that has four sides are called quadrilateral EX - square , rhombus , etc....
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Aashish i want to correct something in your spelling that it is quartilater it is quadrilateral .
any figure which is made up of sour line segments or have four sides so it is a quadrilateral for example:square , rectangle , rhombus and etc.

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any closed figure with 4 line segments
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A quadrilateral is any closed figure with 4 line segments, 4 vertices and 4 corners.
Example= square, rhombus, rectangle

Hope this helps!
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A figure which is entirely made up of line segmants is quadrilaterl
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It has 4 sides
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a quadrilateral is a figure that is made of 4 line segment . Eg : rectangle , square 
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a figure bounded by 4 line segments is called a quadrilateral, it is a type of polygon.it has for vertices, 4 line segments, etc.
eg] rectangle,square. 
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r u sure?
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A quadilateral is a closed figure.it is bounded by 4 line segments.it has 2 pair of opposite sides,4 angles,4 sides etc.
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The four line-segments forming a quadrilateral are called sides.

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