what is science? why is science divided into three parts ???

Science is a systematic study of the structure and behaviour of physical and natural world through observation and practical experiment. Science is divided into three parts because science is a very vast subject, it includes many things about physical, chemical and biological world. So to make it convenient for people to study it, the science is divided into three parts hence a person can easily get specialized in one of the area instead of getting confused.

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sci is divided into three part for our comfort

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In the 18th and 19th century, most scientists were polymaths - the same scientist might examine questions in biology and physics and then go on to look at geology or chemistry without thinking that he (and it usually was a he) was looking at a different subject. 

As we came to know more of how the world worked, it became convenient for people to specialise in certain areas of knowledge - to be good at chemistry involved so much chemical knowledge that it was no longer possible for a single person to know all of chemistry AND also be much good at, say, Geology. 

At that stage, scientific study was split into areas relating to different areas - physics, chemistry, biology, geology, zoology, medicine etc., mainly because the areas were easier to teach that way. 

We are now at the stage where no normal scientist can understand all of any single subject, so a chemist might specialise in physical chemistry or inorganic chemistry, and even within that specialisation, they will become an expert in only a small area. 

The best science now involves several scientists collaborating - bringing their expertise in chemistry with someone else's expertise in biology and another person's expertise in medicine, for example, to aim at a cure for a particular disease. 

Finally, don't think about science being a subject - it is a method of thinking that allows you to put up an idea, test it with an experiment and see if your idea holds water, whether it needs to be improved, or whether it is wrong and needs to be discarded.

Science is the pursuit and application of knowledge and understanding of the natural and social world following a systematic methodology based on evidence.

Why define science?

The Science Council has ‘’science’ in its name but had not previously clarified what this actually meant.  In addition to developing a better understanding of what types of organisations might become member bodies, it was felt that the recent inclusion of the advancement of science as a charitable activity in the 2006 Charities Act suggested that in that context a definition would be useful; and finally, the Science Council agreed that it wanted to be clearer when it talked about sound science and science based policy what it was actually describing

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Science is divided into three parts:-




Physics deals with the study of the fundamental forces and nature of the universe. Chemistry is arguably applied physics, and biology is applied chemistry.

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science is divided cozz if u r going to da higher studies based on ur intrest u have to take the branch....if u r intrested in becoming doctor u have 2 take biology....if u r intrested in becoming an engineer u have 2 take physics......for a doctor chemistry and physics r not dat much useful.....for an engineer biology is not useful...dats why science is divided into parts....

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science is the application of knowlege to understand various contents..... it's divided into three parts to make the learning easy.... it's morever for our future too as we don't have interest in bio so we can choose phy , chem , maths... in simple words it is divided into three parts for our comfort.....

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science is the application of knowlege to understand various contents..... it's divided into three parts to make the learning easy.... it's morever for our future too as we don't have interest in bio so we can choose phy , chem , maths... in simple words it is divided into three parts for our comfort.....

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science is the application of knowlege to understand various contents..... it's divided into three parts to make the learning easy.... it's morever for our future too as we don't have interest in bio so we can choose phy , chem , maths... in simple words it is divided into three parts for our comfort.....

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science is the application of knowlege to understand various contents..... it 's divided into three parts to make the learning easy.... it 's morever for our future too as we don 't have interest in bio so we can choose phy , chem , maths... in simple words it is divided into three parts for our comfort.....

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science is the application of knowlege to understand various contents..... it 's divided into three parts to make the learning easy.... it 's morever for our future too as we don 't have interest in bio so we can choose phy , chem , maths... in simple words it is divided into three parts for our comfort.....

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the word science means 'to know' . it is divided into three parts-physics , chemistry , biology because physics and chemistry has lot of equations and formulas.

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Science is a systematic way of acquiring knowledge about the surroundings by careful observations and experimentations over a period of time.

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science is divided into 3 parts they are:




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