What is shape of amoeba. How does it looks like and define amoeba i need the structure of amoeba only handwriten ans i need also define all the parts of amoeba and which kingdom it belongs.i need ans only handwriten solution in a sheet of paper only plz understand meritnation experts as some experts use google no i need proper ans diagram

Dear Student

Amoeba is a unicellular protozoan that does not have definite shape.

It has no definite shape. The changing shape of amoeba helps it in procuring food and also in its movement since amoeba moves with the help of its pseudopodia.

Contractile vacuole in amoeba performs excretion and osmoregulation. Its cell membrane is semi permeable and the exchange of gases (O2 and CO2) takes place by diffusion through body surface in water.

Pseudopodia are temporary cytoplasm-filled projections of the cell wall. It helps in movement and  in ingesting nutrients.It is also present in slime moulds during their amoeboid stage.

Food vacuoles of amoeba are fluid filled membrane bound structures present inside the cytoplasm of the cell. Amoeba grabs the food particle by the help of pseudopodia and takes it inside the food vacuole. The fluid inside vacuole contains several enzymes that digest the food and digested parts are absorbed into the cytoplasm. Undigested waste parts are thrown out of the cell.

Nucleus  is the major organelle of the amoeba which is located centrally and controls reproduction.

Ectoplasm - when the food comes in contact of an amoeba cell, ectoplasm forms a tube called ectoplasmic tube. It takes the food into it and is then converted into a food vacuole.

Endoplasm  is responsible for regulating the concentration of water inside the cell.

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