What is the ans

(i) Two rainiest stations: Shillong and Mumbai (ii) Two driest stations: Leh and Jodhpur (iii) Two stations with most equable climate: Bangalore and Tiruvanantapuram (iv) Two stations with most extreme climate: Leh and Jodhpur (v) Two stations most influenced by the Arabian branch of southwest monsoons: Tiruvanatapuram and Mumbai (vi) Two stations most influenced by the Bay of Bengal branch of south-west monsoons: Shillong and Kolkata (vii) Two stations influenced by both branches of the south-west monsoons: Delhi and Kolkata (viii) Two stations influenced by retreating and north-east monsoons: Chennai and Bangalore (ix) Two stations receiving winter showers from the western disturbances: Jodhpur and Delhi (x) The two hottest stations: (a) In the month February: Tiruvanatapuram and Chennai (b) In the month April: Nagpur and Kolkata (c) In the month of May: Nagpur and Jodhpur (d) In the month of June: Jodhpur and Delhi

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