What is the answer and explanation

What is the answer and explanation Burning Of coat (b) Digestion of rood in the bodv - (d)All år@examples of combustion 16. CD is a triangle inscribed in a regular pentagon ABCDE. Find ZDAC (in degrees). (b) 450 (c) 600

Dear student,
The picture of the pentagon ABCDE is as shown:In  a regular polygon of n sides ,Exterior angle=360n=3605=72o Hence,Interior angle=180o-72o=108oAlso,All sides of a regular pentagon are equal.Hence,EDA and ABC are isosceles triagles.EDA=EADIn EDA,EDA+EAD+DEA=18002EDA+108o=18002EDA=1800-108o2EDA=72oEDA=EAD=36oSimilarly,BAC=BCA=36oDAC=EAB-EAD+BACDAC=108o-36o+36oDAC=108o-72oDAC=36oHence,option A is the correct option
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