what is the answer?

Please find below the solution to the asked query

(i). The graph A represents stabilising natural selection.
(ii). The graph B represents directional natural selection. For example, in England, it was noted that before industrial revolution, the number of white-winged moths was more than that of dark melanised moth. However, after industrialisation, there were more of dark melanised moths. The explanation was that after industrialization, the tree trunks became darker with deposits of soot and smoke and hence, the number of dark moths increased in order to protect themselves from predators while the white-winged ones were easily picked up by the predators. Hence, in directional selection a single extreme phenotype is favoured over the other causing shift of allele frequency in one direction. The favoured phenotype becomes more common over the period of time while the other becomes less common or is lost. 
(a) The name of organism here is moth. 
(b). The character selected is dark colour.

The graph B shows directional natural selection. In this type of natural selection, one of the generation will be lost while the other will survive and form new species.

The graph C represents disruptive natural selection. In this type of natural selection, the two extreme variations are selected while intermediate one is lost. This results in the formation of two new species.

Hope this information will clear your doubts about the topic.

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