what is the antonym of sordid and shadow ?

Dear Student,
Given below is the answer to your question.

Sordid - high-headed, respectable
Shadow - light, day

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respectable and brightness
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smart and  light
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Respectable and light.
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Main Entry:?sordid

Part of Speech:?adjective

Definition:?dirty, bad, low

Synonyms:?abject, avaricious, base, black, calculated, corrupt, covetous, debauched, degenerate, degraded, despicable, disreputable, dowdy, filthy, foul, grasping, grubby, ignoble, impure, low-down, mean, mercenary, miserable, miserly, nasty, poor, scurvy, seedy, self-seeking, selfish, servile, shabby, shameful, sleazy, slovenly, slum, slummy, small, small-minded, squalid, unclean, uncleanly, ungenerous, venal, vicious, vile, wretched

Antonyms:?good, honorable, reputable, wonderful

Main Entry:?shadow

Part of Speech:?noun


Synonyms:?adumbration, cover, dark, dimness, dusk, gloom, obscuration, obscurity, penumbra, protection, shade, shelter, umbra, umbrage

Antonyms:?brightness, light
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