What is the difference between nastaliq and shikaste style?

nastaliq is cursive and easy to write but shikastle is denser and difficult to write !

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The spelling of shikaste is wrong asmi!

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sorry oshin !!!

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Nastaliq style of writingis cursive and easy to read while shikate is denser ond difficult to unterstand.
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Nastaliq is a easy to read and shikaste is more difficult and denser to read
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Every one has written the answer from NCERT book
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Don't know
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nastliq was the art of writing.it was akbar's favorite style.it was a fluid with long horizontal strokes.
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Nastaliq means clear handwriting.
Shiksate means handwriting which are difficult to read and understand.
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Nastalip is cursive and easy to write but
Shikastle is denser and difficult to write!
The spelling of shikaste is wrongasmi
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