What is the first stage of mitosis ???

Dear student, the first stage of mitosis is prophase. It is also the 1st stage of meiosis. It begins after the interphase. DNA is already replicated when the cell enters into prophase. The main features of the prophase are the nuclear condensation (chromatin condenses) and disappearance of nucleolus. Regards.

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Prophase is the first stage in mitosis, occurring after the conclusion of the G2 portion of interphase. During prophase, the parent cell chromosomes — which were duplicated during S phase — condense and become thousands of times more compact than they were during interphase . 
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Dear student,

Prophase is the first stage in mitosis, occurring after the conclusion of the G2 portion of interphase. During prophase, the parent cell chromosomes — which were duplicated during S phase — condense and become thousands of times more compact than they were during interphase.

What is the first phase of mitosis is called? | Socratic

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U also stop unlike my answers @Tejaswini 
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sorry Neha I wont... lets be friends
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