What is the meaning of the pointed line"...reward of all good little american girls. ."? And who are American girl ?

Dear student 

This line has two significant meanings - 

It has a historical significance to it, as in the past, rich American women were using their money to get a place and a title for themselves in the British Aristocracy. The author is saying that, by marrying the Duke of Cheshire, Virginia automatically became a part of the British aristocracy. She received a coronet to mark this, therefore receiving the opportunity that most American girls only dream of. 

The author is also referring to the childish playfulness, and the way young girls pretend to be princesses. Just as they pretend to be a princess and wear a toy coronet, Virginia got to wear a coronet as well, but it was a real coronet, with real value and a title of Duchess to go along with it. 


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