What is the meaning of the sentence that if the fawn was dead, he did not want him to see his disappointment.if they found the fawn, then the meeting would be so loveley and secret that he could not endure to share it...from the chapter THIS IS JODYS FAWN

Dear student,

The given statement means that Jody would have been extremely sad and disappointed if he would have found that the fawn was dead. Also, he would have been extremely happy if he would have found the fawn alive. Their reunion would be so special and such a happy moment that he would have not even bothered to share it with anyone.


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That if jody couldnt found and fawn or found him dead sooooo he became very sad and began to cry and he didn't want to show this to anyone and if he found the fawn the meeting is so lovely that he don't want to share it with anyone
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