what is the merits and demerits of midday meal???????????


It avoid class room hunger.

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my friend...as for the advantages..mid day meal encourages the attendence of poor children in government schools..whose parents are incapable to feed them right also it helps prevent malnutrishment..

..and for demerits a scandal had currently been in newspapers..and such deeds like providing toxic food to children..carelessless of faculty..etc..hope my answer helps u in any way..

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1.hunger decreases.
2.mal nutrition decreases there will be a healthy society.
3.everyone becomes food secure.
4.it also indirectly helps in education,as poor people will send their children for the sake of mid day meals.

1.unhygenic food 
2.bad quality
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  • demerits
  1. uhygenic food
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What did margie write in her diary
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Merits and Demerits of mid day mealscheme are..... The main aim of themid day meal?scheme is to increase the attendance and retention of student . It also has been implemented because childrens in village do not get food how much required due to poverty. And childrens will come school then they can get?mid day meal
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Don't know
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