What is the percentage of Nitrogyen dioxide in diwali ?

Dear Student,

NO2, when formed naturally by the activity of plants and lightning is about 1% only but, when it is released due to the anthropogenic activities like chimneys of  industries, vehicular pollution etc it can increase up to 10 times. During the Diwali and other festive seasons the amount PM 2.5 can reach up to 61.81 μg/m3 on an average from 15.7 μg/m3 (these data is taken from survey done in New Delhi and Anand Vihar for pollution check).

Harmful effects of nitrogen dioxide present in air are:
  1. Nitrogen dioxide  is a corrosive gas and  in the atmosphere it reacts with ammonia, water vapour to form small particulate matter. It also leads to the formation of ozone gas. Both ozone gas and particulate matter are components of smog. Presence of particulate matter and smog in the atmosphere are the cause of a number of health issues. They cause irritation in the lungs and eyes.
  2. Nitrogen dioxide exposure results in respiratory problems like emphysema, bronchitis, increases mortality rates in infants and school children as lung tissue fails to develop properly in polluted atmosphere.
  3. Nitrogen dioxide worsens the health of patients with heart diseases.
  4. Nitrogen dioxide reacts with water or moisture in the atmosphere to form nitric acid. This causes acid rain that can change the pH of the soil and affect agricultural production.

Hope this information will clear your doubts about the Progenitor.

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