What is the probability that there are 53 Sundays in a leap year ?

a) 1 / 6 b) 2 / 7 c) 3 / 8 d) 4 / 9

Is there any way or trick to find the particular number of days given in this question or for any question(its major use is in MAT),if it is then tell me that trick ?

In a Leap Year, there are 366 Days.

In 366 Days = 52 Weeks and 2 Days.


A Leap Year has always 52 Sundays.


The Remaining 2 Days can be :


(i) Sunday & Monday  

(ii) Monday & Tuesday 

(iii) Tuesday & Wednesday 

(iv) Wednesday & Thursday 

(v) Thursday & Friday 

(vi) Friday & Saturday

(vii) Saturday & Sunday


Now, it is clear that there are 7 Elementary events associated. 
Let A be the event that a Leap Year has 53 Sundays.

The event A will happen if the last two days of the leap year are either Sunday & Monday or Saturday & Sunday.

Total no. of outcomes= 7

Favorable Outcomes = 2


Required Probability = 2/7.

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