What is Transferred Epithet. How has it been used in the poem 'Rain on the Roof'?
Please explain in a simple manner. (BEEHIVE,CLASS 9)

Dear Student,

Transferred Epithet is when an adjective used to describe one thing is transferred to another. In the poem 'Rain on the Roof', transferred epithet’ is seen by the use of words such as 'melancholy darkness'. Here darkness is not sad or melancholy but some man who is sad in the darkness. Similarly,  'dreamy fancies' and 'darling dreamers' are other such words.


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Transferred epithet is used in the words 'melancholy darkness' as the sadness of a person in dark is transferred to the 'darkness' here.
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Transferred epithet is when an adjective usually used to describe one thing is transferred to another. An epithet is a word or phrase which describes the main quality of someone or something. For example: 'a happy person'.

Transferred epithet is used in the words 'melancholy darkness' as the sadness of a person in dark is transferred to the 'darkness' here.
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