What makes us human?

Dear student, 

Human beings are the most evolved and developed species amongst all other species of the world. The maximum capability of  thinking, self-consiousness, intelligence, etc gives humans their specific characteristic. The sequences, arrangement and the expression levels of the DNA in humans is unique as compared to the other related species, which includes behaviour and skeletal characters and features, etc.


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Just looking at your DNA won't tell you – the human genome is 99% identical to a chimpanzee's and, for that matter, 50% to a banana's. We do, however, have bigger brains than most animals – not the biggest, but packed with three times as many neurons as a gorilla (86bn to be exact). A lot of the things we once thought distinguishing about us – language, tool-use, recognising yourself in the mirror – are seen in other animals. Perhaps it's our culture – and its subsequent effect on our genes (and vice versa) – that makes the difference. Scientists think that cooking and our mastery of fire may have helped us gain big brains. But it's possible that our capacity for co-operation and skills trade is what really makes this a planet of humans and no
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