what values we get from patol babu chapter class 10

Satyajit Ray's story, "Patol Babu Film Star" is a tale of personal satisfaction being the most important thing in life. Patol Babu's desire was to act in a movie and when he finally received the opportunity, he was overjoyed. Although, it was the insignificant role of an absent-minded pedestrian, he worked hard to ensure that he gave his best performance. Small or big it is essential that we carry out our responsibilities sincerely and in a diligent manner. Patol Babu' perseverance and hard-work paid off, when he received accolades from the hero and director of the movie. These praises were more important to Patol Babu than the payment he was to receive. Thus, there are a number of things that we can learn from "Patol Babu Film Star' and the most important being self-satisfaction.

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