What was the aim of international military tribunal

The International Military Tribunal was set up at Nuremberg in 1945, six and a half months after the Second World War to conduct trials on the Nazis for their inhuman acts. These were considered as Crimes against Humanity and tried in a court where all the Allied powers had representation. All the crimes perpetrated by the Nazis during the course of the war against Jews, Poles, Russians and Czechs were condemned and some prominent Nazis were punished. The medical experiments conducted on the Jews were also condemned and the Nuremberg code of ethics in medicine were listed prohibiting the use of humans and the conducting of such inhuman and gruesome experiments without consent. The Nazi organisations like Gestapo, Secret Police and Stormtroopers were named as criminal organisations.

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The aim of the international military tribunal set at numerberg was set up to prosecute criminals for crimes against peace,for war crimes and crimes against humanity
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The trials of leading German officials before the International Military Tribunal (IMT), the best known of the postwar war crimes trials, formally opened in Nuremberg, Germany, on November 20, 1945, just six and a half months after Germany surrendered. On October 18, 1945, the chief prosecutors of the IMT had read the indictments against 24 leading Nazi officials. The four charges brought against these officials were: 1. Conspiracy to commit crimes against peace, war crimes, and crimes against humanity 2. Crimes against peace 3. War crimes 4. Crimes against humanity
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