What weight of oxygen gas will contain the same number of molecules as 56 g of nitrogen gas (O = 16 u; N = 14 u)

 mole = given weight / molecular weight = no. of particles / 6.022 * 1023

no. of particles = given weight / molecular weight * (6.022 * 1023)


no. of particles in 56g of N2 gas is

56/(14 * 2) * 6.022 * 10^23

=12.044 * 10 ^23

let the no. of o2 molecules be x


weight of o2 / molecular weight * {6.022 *10^23} = no. of particles 

=> x / (16 * 2) *(6.022 * 10^23) = 12.044 * 10^23

x = 64 g

ANS. 64g

  • 6

" let the weight of o2 be x,instead of  no. of particles of o2 be x" sorry for the wrong typing

  • 3
  • 2
64 g is the answer

  • 0
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