What were the defects of Weimar Republuic?

Dear Student

The inherent defects of the Weimar Republics constitution are:
1.  Proportional representation-This refers to rule by coalitions which made it impossible for one major party to occupy the government. As there was a rule of coalitions in Germany, there would be crisis if one party pulls out of the ruling party's coalition showing that the Weimar constitution is weak.
2. Liberal use of article 48- Article 48 gave the president the powers to impose emergency, suspend all civil rights and rule by decree. In the different cabinets that lasted in Germany, people saw a liberal use of Article 48.
3.  But, it still did not give any solutions to the people's problems. Hence, the people lost faith in the Weimar constitution. This became a defect of the Weimar constitution as loss of support of people resulted in popular support for conservative dictatorship in Germany.

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