What will be impact on ecosystem if bacteria and fungi are removed from the environment?

Bacteria and fungi are the life support for the ecosystem. These are fundamental for the balance and success of any ecosystem of the world. If the bacteria and fungi are removed from the environment, following problems will occur 

 1. No recycling of nutrients such Nitrogen, Phosphorous, Sulphur, etc. as Fungi together with bacteria, are responsible for most of the recycling which returns dead material to the soil in a form in which it can be reused. 

2. Growth of the most of the plants will be affected as Fungi and bacteria are vitally important for the good growth of most plants, including crops, through the development of symbiotic or mycorrhizal associations.

3. Herbivorous animals would not be able to consume grass as animals lack digestive enzymes capable of using cellulose and lignin and other structural plant compounds. 

4. Many bacteria and fungi are useful to humans and are used as food or to produce useful compounds. Aslo they help in the digestion also, so if these are not present, humans will not be able to survive successfully. 

Thus bacteria and fungi, one way or the other way are important for the survival of all living organisms in this biosphere, so if they are removed from any ecosystem, the other organisms like animals, plants and even humans will not be able to survive.

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if all the bacteria and fungi are removed then the dead plants and animals will remain as they are and they will not go inside the soil as all they organisms which decomposed them earlier is not there anymore.

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Due to the removal of the Bacteria and Fungi from the environment, the dead animals would not get decomposed and their organic compounds would not get converted to inorganic substances. This would prevent the growth of the plants as they require inorganic compounds like nitrates and nitrites for their growth.
All in all, this would devastate the balance of life on the Earth.

~Hope this may help you~

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