What will happen if green plants stop taking in carbon dioxide & release oxygen?

If the green plants stopped taking carbon dioxide,they will die and the human beings and animals would not get oxygen and would die too.
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if plants stop taking in carbon di oxide then oxygen could not be formed and if oxygen is not formed then we will die
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if plant does not use carbon dioxide it wll take oxygen and we may not be alive
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we will not get oxygen
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then we all will die
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if the green plants do not give oxygen and take carbon dioxide then there will be no plants and we will also not their no animals and their are only mountains and water.
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same ans
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IF the plants stop taking in carbon dioxide, they will die after some time and if the plant stop giving oxygen then the balance of the nature will be dispersed and because of lack of oxygen we all animals and humans will  also die
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we will die and the world destroyed
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we would die due to lack of oxygen in the atmosphere
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Then humans will die and plants never be and our earth only cant be
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if green plants stop giving oxygen then there is no fresh air (oxygen) to breathe. because of this all human beings and animals will die.
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when the green plants does not take the carbon dioxide in we does not get oxygen release from them
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There is a balance between oxygen and carbon dioxide.
Plants take carbon dioxide and release oxygen.
If plants will stop releasing oxygen carbon dioxide will increase and at last there would be no oxygen without which we cannot live.
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Humans will not survive last long. Simple
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Oxygen levels will drop and we can't live without Oxygen because there are no tress to provide Oxygen. so save tress!
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If plants stop taking carbon dioxide they will die and they will not give us oxygen and we will die also
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If that happens then the world will die
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If plants would stop taking carbon dioxide then they will stop releasing oxygen and die. Then we will also die.
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Hii sir
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Then we will die
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Then we will not get oxygen and we will die.
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There would be more oxygen.
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We will die
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It is not possible because they use co2 as a raw material to make their food from where they release oxygen
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The level of oxygen in air will slowly drop down and animals who breath oxygen will not be able to breath and die.
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their life processes will stop so they die
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If plants stop taking carbon dioxide and
Release oxygen the stomata in the leaf
Can,t take corban dioxide the plants will
Die if plants will die humans cannot breathe oxygen so, human,s will had to take in oxygen through oxygen tanks
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It can be not good situation that it can be release carbon dioxide it can be harm to us
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ded plant
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All plants and animals wi Ll die
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It will be dead when it stop taking in carbon dioxide
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We will not alive when they stop their work on taking carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen . Because we area live from them and they can't do photosynthesis.
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then we do not breathe because green plants stop taking carbon dioxide
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when the green plants stop taking in carbon dioxide so we do not breathe
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when plants do not take carbon dioxide they die when We do not get oxygen we will also die.????
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There will no life on earth
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then we will die
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Duniya ka sarvnash ho javega agar aisa hoigya to
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Please find this answer

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Their will be a increase in carbon dioxide and reduction in o2
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dear students this will never happen and
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we will die
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People will die
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Vandjdksosidkdkd JHL kdjfjffjfjf
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We will don't take Air
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We will do not take Air inside
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if we do not if there is will win not oxygen we can't live without oxygen
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if there will be no oxygen we can't live without oxygen
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They can not survive .
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they do not leave
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If plant will not take in carbon dioxide first the plant will die and if a plat will die there is no oxygen remaining after a time and human will die
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If green plants stop taking in corbon dioxide they can't prepare their food so they die and we don't get the oxygen from the plants humans and animals die
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it will die
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system of your body
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All living beings were die if don't have oxygen
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Then plants would not survive and human beings would not get oxygen and also animals so we and animals would die no one would be there on earth
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They will die and humans will not get oxygen and they would die too.
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They will die and humans will not get oxygen and they would die too.
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