whats frenulum?????????

The frenulum of tongue (or lingual frenulum) is a small fold of mucous membraneextending from the floor of the mouth to the midline of the underside of the tongue with which the tongue is attached to the buccalcavity


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A small fold of tissue that prevents an organ in the body from moving too far

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the tongue is joined to the surface of our mouth through lingual FRENULUM.

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The structure which connects the tongue to the floor of the oral cavity or bucal cavity is known as frenulum.

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frenulum is the genera name of the connectins of the buccal vavity.

there are many types of frenulum:

1.Superior labial frenelum (con. of upper lip and gum

2.Inferior LAbial frenulum (con. of lower lip and gum)

3. Lingual Frenulum (con. of tongue and floor of buccal cavity)

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It is the folding at the floor at which the tongue is attached.

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provids attachment of tongue to the floor of oral cavity..................

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the attachment inside the buccal cavity is named after frenulum 

such as

labial frenulum ; lips are attached to the inner side with gum

lingual frenulum; the thin transparent mesentry by which tongue is attched to buccal cavity

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