When a Fortins barometer is used to measure the pressure on the surface of the earth and in the top of the building the main scale reading is found to be the same and the vernier scale reading found to be 9 and 0 respectively. If one M.S.D is 1 mm and the number of vernier scale divisions is 10, calculate the height of the building. Taking the average density of air as 1.3 kg/cm3,and that of mercury is 13.6 g/cm3

One division of vernier means 0.1 mm 
Suppose the height of the building is h. Then the pressure decrease due to climb up is ρairgh=0.0013×980×h 
You have written air density as 1.3 kg/cm3 which can not be possible so I am taking it as 1.3 kg/m3=0.0013 g/m3
Now the barometer reading change is 9-0×0.1=0.9 mm=0.09 cm
So the pressure change is 
ρhggh=13.6×980×0.01 cm
So we have
13.6×g×0.09=0.0013×g×hh=13.60.0013=10462 cm10.4 m

  • 9
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