When to use s=ut+1/2at2 and when 2as=v2-u2

The equation s=ut+12at2 is known as the second equation of motion and it is used to calculate the distance travelled (s) by a body in time (t), ​the body having initial velocity (u) and acceleration (a). This equation has four values in it, so if any three values are known, the fourth value can be calculated. 

The equation v2=u2+2as is known as the third equation of motion and it is used to find the ​velocity (v) acquired by a body in travelling a distance (s), ​the body having initial velocity (u) and uniform acceleration (a). This equation has also four values in it, so if any three values are known, the fourth value can be calculated. 

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it depens on wat info is given

if 2 of s,u and t are given the use s=ut +1/2at^2

if 2 of s,v and u are given use v^2-u^2=2as

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