Which component of the cellular nucleus of living organism carries hereditary characters? Chromosomes or DNA or gene?

The DNA is the hereditary material for most of the living organisms
DNA contains the cellular nucleus of living organisms that carries hereditary characters .
The component of the cellular nucleus of living organism that carries hereditary characters is chromosomes .
The hereditary character of living organism is carried by the Chromosome which is present inside nucleus.
The nucleus consists of four components: Nuclear membrane, nuclear pores, Chromatin and nucleolus.
The DNA is located inside the chromatin, which carry the hereditary information which is being passes from one generation to another.
Chromosome are very important because they contain all the genetic information of an organism.
Each chromosome consists of thousand of gene (DNA) which are organised in to chromosomal structure with the help of different type of protein.
Chromosomes are organised in to compact structure called as chromatin by these protein which fit in to the nucleus of the cell.
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basically the answer is chromosome.
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Answer is chromosome because it is in nucleus which carries the characters of mother and father in their daughter
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The answer is Chromosome
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The answer is Chromosome.
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Chomosomes appear midway during cell division
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in 1901 the reason behind the sudden changes Where are understood you to mutational theory of rotavirus main will in 1902 Walter and the sodun observing the period
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the science of it is useful for diagnosis treatment and prevention of hereditary
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With the help of RNA the genes present in the form of DNA and various types of RNA and synthesis particles DNA functions required about protection DNA
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See, the answer to this question is choromosome.
But, if its specified that which component carries the hereditary characteristics in chromosome, then the answer is genes. But, then if the question is What is chromosome 'mainly' made up of? or Which is the 'main' component of a chromosome which carries hereditary characteristics, then the answer is DNA.
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