Which compound's central atom doesn't obey octet rule
C) SCl2

Dear student,

XeF:- Xe does not follow the octet rule.So XeF2 does not obey the octet rule.
XeOF:-Xe does not follow the octet rule.So XeOF2 does not obey the octet rule.
SCl:-SCl2 doesn't have enough electrons to make eight in the valence shell,because in SCl2 ,S has 6 electrons in its outer shell. 
AlCl:-In AlCl3, three chlorine atoms are arranged around the central aluminium atom and the octet of Al is not complete because of  which it is regarded as an exception to the octet rule. In other words, there are less than 8 electrons (6 electrons) around                     aluminium. 
BF3 :-BF3 doesn't have enough valence electrons to obey the octet rule.Because it has less than 8 electrons in its outermost shell.


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