which of the following statements is true??
a. marginal product of additional unit of labour is zero in case of disguised unemployment
b. in India maximum workforce is engaged in the formal sector
c. higher working popular population ratio means lower engagement of people in economic activities
d. in India the growth of employment is commensurate with the growth of GDP

Dear Student
Option (a) is correct 
" marginal product of additional unit of labour is zero in case of disguised unemployment"
disguised unemployment means when people are employed but actually they are not. For example- In agriculture sector, where whole family of 6 members  is working on a single piece of land that actually need 4 members only. 4 member can do the same thing that 6 members are doing so if those 2 members are not there it doesn't affect the output of that land or they are working but producing nothing.So it seems they are employed but actually they have nothing to do.
So we can clearly say under disguised unemployment marginal product of additional unit of labour is zero.


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As per my views I think 'a 'is the right answer, MP of additional unit of labour is 0 in the case of disguised unemployment
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