While doing an experiment to determine the boiling point of water, a student heated water in a beaker and observed that when water starts boiling the temperature remains constant. State reason. Where does the heat go? (This is a question from Saraswati Lab Manual Science for class 9 - Chemistry - Experiment :5- DETERMINATION OF MELTING POINT OF ICE AND BOILING POINT OF WATER )

1. The temperature remains constant until all the water is converted to gas.
2. The heat is used up by water molecule to break the force of attraction between them and is converted to water in gaseous state. This energy is known as latent heat of vapourisation.

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The heat being supplied to water gets used up in breaking up the intermolecular forces of attraction,so it gets converted into gaseous state.This energy is known as latent heat of vapourisation.It is defined as the energy required to change 1 kg of a liquid to it's gaseous state.Thus the heat remains hidden.Due to this phenomena steam at 100C would have more energy than water at 100C,as steam already have latent heat of vapourisation.
Hope this helps :)
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