Why a production possibilities curve concave? Explain.

Dear student

When a curve is concave to the origin ,it means that it has an increasing slope,as we move along this curve ,from left to right.since slope of PPC=Marginal ooportunity cost, increasing slope implies increasing marginal opportunity cost.
accordingly, it concluded that PPC is concave to the origin ,because more and more resources are shifted from opportunit-1 to opportunity-2 , marginsl opportunity cost tends to rise.


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PPC is concave to origin because as the production increases, then, in order to produce each additional unit of one good, more and more units of another good needs to be sacrificed.In other words, the opportunity cost of producing one good in terms of another increases. Thus, the concavity of PPC can be attributed to the?law of increasing opportunity cost.
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because of increasing moc marginal opportunity cost that is more and more units of a commodity have been sacrifice in order to gain additional rate of another commodity emotional mrt rashes because efficiency and productivity of factors of production reduces when they are shifted from one user to another use it means more and more units of one commodity sacrifice to get additional unit of another commodity
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