Why cockroaches flip their body when they die?

Dear student,
When cockroaches consume chemicals in the form of insecticide. Nervous system of cockroach becomes affected and the enzyme cholinesterase is inhibited which breaks down neurotransmitter from post synaptic neuron. So, continuous stimulus is perceived which produces muscular spasm so they flip over and die.


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With extra ACh in the nervous system, the cockroach has muscular spasms which often result in the cockroach flipping on its back. Without muscular coordination the cockroach cannot right itself and eventually dies in its upside down-position.
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Most of these insecticides are organophosphate nerve poisons.  The nerve poison often inhibits cholinesterase, an enzyme that breaks down acetyl choline (ACh), a neurotransmitter.  Insecticides usually contain chemicals which affect their nervous system, and causes different enzymes to build up in the cockroach. These may cause muscular spasms because of which the it flips onto its back. 
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