Why did Maximillian Robespierre follow a policy of severe control and punishment?

Dear Student,

 The following points may help you:

 a. Maximilian Robespierre was the leader of the Jacobin club representing less prosperous section of the French society. He was indeed one of the influential figures of the French revolution.
b. He was member of estate general and advocated equal rights. Jacobians
 to extend civil and political rights to all, right to vote to all men regardless of wealth.
c. Shortage of food supplies, high prices in 1792  compelled them to storm Palace of Tuileries, and hold the king hostage who was later executed.
d. After the fall of monarchy 
Robespierre ​​took control of France and sought to bring about equlaity, political reforms.
e. Robespierre also called for universal male suffrage and was against monarchy. He was also against slavery
f. However, his reign came to be referred as reign of terror as he declared terror as the means of promoting equality, justice and liberty in the society, terror as the means to fight against the enemies of Republic.
g. Robespierre thus,  exercised excessive control of the state. No opposition  or dissent was tolerated. All those who disagreed with his policies were imprisoned.
h.In order to strictly enforce the principle of equality steps like, rationing, fixed price for the food grains, equality bread which was to be consumed by all, all French people were to be greeted as citizens were introduced.
In order to bring about political reforms and economic equality as also to ensure equal distribution he took such extreme steps.
j. He was convicted by the court in 1794 and later executed, thus bringing an end to his period.


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1. Maximum ceiling on wages and prices.
2. Meat and bread were rationed.3. Peasants were forced to sell their grain at the prices fixed by the government.
4. People were forced to consume only equality bread.
5. Equality also was maintained in their speech and address.
6. Churches were shut down and their buildings were used as offices.
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