Why do multicellular organisms need another means of communication between cells beside nervous co-ordination?

multicellular organisms consist of animals and plants. so there is need of another mean of communication because only animals have a nerous system for controlling and co-ordinating the activities of body .But plants have neither a nervous sytem nor a muscles.They only have two type of movement-one dependent on growth and the other independent of growth.

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 Nerves communicate with electrical impulses which are an excellent mean of communication and very fast. But there are limitations to the use of electrical impulses. They are as follows.

  • They will reach only those cells that are connected by nervous tissue, not each and every cell in the animal body.
  • Once an electrical impulses is generated in a cell and transmitted, the cell will take some time to reset its mechanisms before it can generate a new impulse.  Or cells cannot continually create and transmit electric impulses.

It is thus most multicellular organisms use another means of communication between cells, which are chemical communication. Instead of generating an electric impulse, simulated cells release a chemical compound,this compound would diffuse all around the originated cell, If other cells around have the means to detect this compound using special molecules on their surfaces then they would be able to recognize information and even transmit it 

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