why do we need to respire?

Dear student,
We require energy to perform each and every function of our body. The energy is provided by the breaking down of glucose inside the cells in presence of oxygen. This process is known as respiration. Thus we need to respire to obtain energy from the food.



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Every organism is made up of small microscopic units called cell. Each cell of an organism certain function cashews nutrition, transport, reproduction etc. To perform these function cells need energy, the food has a stored energy and is released during the process of respiration. So the process of respiration is necessary for life.
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we need to respire so that we can take in oxygen to break glucose to release energy .
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We need to respire to be alive.
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To unlock the energy in the carbohydrate produced in photosynthesis, green plants need to respire, just as animals do. Respiration takes place in the plant's cells, using oxygen to produce energy and giving off carbon dioxide as a waste product. So in terms of the gas taken in and the gas given out, respiration is the opposite of photosynthesis. The result is that during the day when the plant is both respiring and photosynthesising there is a two-way traffic of oxygen and carbon dioxide both into and out of the plant. During the night when the plant is respiring but not photosynthesising, oxygen is being taken in but not given out - and carbon dioxide is being given out but not taken in. Luckily, plants use up more carbon dioxide in photosynthesis than they produce in respiration, and produce more oxygen while photosynthesising than they use up while respiring - otherwise there would not be enough oxygen in the atmosphere for us animals to breathe!
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