why do we need to store food ?


We need to store food because:
1. It helps to prevent food spoilage.
2. It helps in the availability of off season fruits and vegetables around the year.
3. It helps to maintain prices in the market.
4. It helps to provide food during any emergency in the countries.
5. It makes the transportation of food materials easier.

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We need to store the food to meet the needs of growing Indian population .
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we need to store food to keep it in a safe place for future use.We need to store it in a warm and dry place so that there is no growing of bacteria thus keeping the food safe.
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Because, if we did not store the food it will get spoiled by several microorganisms which change the texture and chemical composition of food hence in case we.eat them
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Storing food is necessary to prevent the contamination of microorganisms,insects and dust in them.After having the contaminated food,we may fall ill,so they are stored.Food is also stored in a refrigerator becaise the temperatureinside the refrigerator is low and which helps us to store the food for a longer period of time.
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