Why do we use inflated rubber tube to save drowning man?

The inflatable rubber jacket is worn by swimmers because it protects them form drowning as air is much lighter than water and keeps afloat. Here we have to keep in mind the basic principle of floatation which states that anything that is less dense will float on more denser liquid. The jacket with air in it is less denser than water and will float on it.


  • 5
Hello Utkrisht!!!!!
The answer to your question is that an inflated rubber tube floats on water and if it is put on by any person, the body parts of the person above the inflated tube would keep afloat and hence, the person would not drown. hence, saved
Hope it helps u out!!!!!
Thumbs up plzZzzZzzz......
  • -1
Inflated rubber tube have air within it which is lighter than water. So, the gravitational force would not be able to pull it downwards and hence, the force of buoyancy will act upon it and push it upwards till it starts to float. So when it would be kept under a drowning person, it will help him to float above water. And he would be saved from sinking. Tadaaaa.
  • 4
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