why do you think floods are more frequent in northern India than in southern India?

    Dear Student,

The main reasons for floods in northern and southern India
are due to their natural ecological systems; 

  1. Monsoon: The average rainfall in India is about 150cm but the annual rainfall along the western coast and Western Ghats, Khasi hills and over most of the Brahmaputra valley amounts to more than 250cm. Hills and mountains, thus cause floods on their sloping sides due to excessive rainfalls.
  1. River systems: The river systems also play a crucial role in the causation of floods. Almost all the rivers of India carry heavy discharges during the monsoon season. The problem of floods varies from basin to basin.
         Example: River Brahmaputra is characterised by high slopes, heavy sediment load, and carries deposits of some of the  
world's highest rainfall area. Every year it floods large tracts of land.  
  1. Mountains and hills:
  Himalayan range: The steep and highly erodible mountains, particularly those of the Himalayan ranges, are a major  
cause of floods in northern India. The Terai Rivers of the Himalayas are very unpredictable and cause maximum flood damage. The most flood-prone areas are in the Brahmaputra and Ganga/Ganges basins.

Western Ghats: The windward sides of the Western Ghats bring about most of rainfall debris and causes floods in southern India.

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bcoz southern india is a coastal area.

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