why does sometimes a warm ocean current flows past the peruvian coast in place of a cold peruvian current?

Dear Student,

a. Climatic condition sin the Peruvian coast are largely impacted by its relief features, mountain ranges, latitude and ocean current
b. The region mostly experiences cold ocean current however at times experiences warm ocean currents because of El Nino effect.
c. ​It is a warm ocean current that flows past the Peruvian coast, in place of the cold Peruvian current .
d. EL Nino is the event where the waters of the tropical central and Eastern pacific become warmer than normal. This has the effect of increasing rainfall in this general area, but over the Western Pacific air pressures tend to increase and suppress rainfall thus it is typically drier than average in that region.
e. El nino is abnormal warming of the surface water of pacific ocean. The warming of surface water effect formation of winds
The presence of the El Nino leads weakening of the trade winds in the region because of the change in the pressure conditions over the Tropical pacific.
f. It also impacts the sea surface temperature and it rises, this is because tropical Pacific ocean receives huge sunlight which is stored in the form of heat and that warm water in the region of Indonesia do not expand westwards again because of change is pressure gradient



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