Why does the land use pattern vary from time to time and place to place?? PLEASE IT'S URGENT ANSWER IT QUICKLY!!!

Dear student.

Land use pattern varies in different parts of India because of the following reasons:

a. Physical factors- Topography, relief features, climatic conditions, type of soil determines the land use pattern of a particular region. We may give example of North east states like Arunachal, Mizoram etc where the percentage of net sown areas is low primarily because of its relief features, region is rocky, mountainous not suitable for agriculture. Most of the area their is densely forested , has harsh climatic conditions.

b. Human factors- Factors like population density , level of development, technological capability also determines the land use pattern. For instance, land is used for non agricultural activities like  construction of buildings, for human settlement, for roads in areas with high population density that impacts the net sown area of  a particular region, also effects the percentage of forest cover.  


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