Why does the poet compare the song of the reaper with the cuckoo and nigntingale?

Wordsworth has chosen the songs of nightingale and cuckoo because these are the sweetest, most pleasent and most refreshing songs of all birds...By this comparison the poet establishes a fact that the song of solitary reaper was simply incomparable in its magic, melody and sweetness to the song of the two birds.This comparison highlights the charm and beauty of reapers song..He asserts that no nightingale sang more melodeously than her nor did any cuckoo sing in so thrilling voice....

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Because her voice is so sweet to hear.

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Wordsworth has chosen the song of the cuckoo and nightingale bird because they are the birds which sings beautifully.And the person who sang the song was a girl.She was having a beautiful voice.She was singing like cuckoo bird who breaks the silence of the sea by singing and the nightingale bird who sings enchantingly.

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'coz all the readers haven't listen to the song of that reaper but they migth have listened the song of the cuckoo bird or nightingale somewhere or in the other corner of the world.By this comparison we come across that the song of that reaper was very sweet as these given birds.

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The  poet  compares the song of the reaper  with  the  cuckoo  and  nigntingale  because the reaper's song was more welcome than  the song  of a Nightingale that attracts the tired  travellers in an Oasis in the Arabian Desert. The song was more  thrilling than the voice of the Cuckoo during  spring  in  the  farthest  Hebrides.

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 He compares the reaper with cuckoos and nightingales as these are very beautiful in voice and singing and this proves that she sings very beautifully(Poet tries to say this Indirectly)

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Usually melodious tunes or voices are compared to that of a cuckoo's or a nightingale's. Therefore, to highlight the fact that the solitary reaper sung more melodiously than even the most melodious birds known, the poet uses the comparison of both the birds. This shows how much the poet was touched by the song of the reaper

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the poet compared the song of the reaper with cuckoo and nightingale as her voice was so sweet and removed his tiredness

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cuckoo  and nightingale birds are  known for their  sweet voice.The voice of the reaper was so sweet that after listening her we feel relax ,and all our tiredness will disappear.
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Hii sayali
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because he want to enhance the beauty of the reaper's song
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According to Williams Wordsworth, the song of the nightingale and the cuckoo is pleasing and charming. The nightingale's song brings a soothing and pleasing effect on the weary bands of travellers in the sands of Arabia. The song of the cuckoo brings a thrilling and charming effect on nature and the inhabitants of farthest Hebrides. But according to the poet, the song of the raper is more sweet and melodious. Through this comparison he wants to show that her song was so beautiful.
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The poet wants to convey by comparing Cuckoo bird's song to that of solitary reaper that solitary reaper's song is better than song of Cuckoo bird even the Cuckoo bird sings very pleasantly but the solitary reaper sings so thrilling song and it seems to be more pleasant than that song sang by Cuckoo bird
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  1. llm;lnknnlk kjhgk
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Both the nightingale and the cuckoo bird have the sweetest and most melodious voices. The nightingale's song refreshes the tired travellers in the desert of Arabia. Similarly, the existing And thrilling song of the cuckoo birds echoes the far-off Hebrides islands breaking the silence of the sea. But the song of solitary reader's song is unique. In a way, it is even more melodious and musical than the songs of the nightingale and the cuckoo bird
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Coz tgey are song birds their voice is beautiful and calms people?...
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The poet compares the song of the reaper with the cuckoo and nigntingale because the reaper's song was more welcome than the song of a Nightingale that attracts the tired travellers in an Oasis in the Arabian Desert. The song was more thrilling than the voice of the Cuckoo during spring in the farthest Hebrides.
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The poet compares the song of solitary reaper with the nigtingle and cuckoo ird because they want to tell people that solitary reaper's song is more melodious and sweeter than the nightingle and cucko bird.
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because these are the sweetest most pleasent songs of all birds
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