Why don't animal cells have a cell wall?

 plant cells have cell walls because these cell walls are made up of cellulose and provide protectition for the plant cells. Animal cells don't have cell walls because the cell walls are made up of phospholipid bilayers and proteins. Even though the animal cells' don't have cell wall for protection, but it has endoskeletons and exoskeletons that can protect the cells as well. As a matter of fact, this is why animals are more flexible than plant cells because lack of the cell walls.

hope this helps

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 your welcome 

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The animals have the skin for the protection of the cells that is why we don't need cell walls.

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hey it is because animal cells need to move ..and cell wall doesnt allow that..plant cells dont have to move so they have a cell wall and also to protect it

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bcz it want to allow the nutrition to gget in and excrete waste out

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animal cell do not consists of a cell wall because they are provided full protecrion by the body and they have to be flexible so that the movement of body parts can occur and plants are directly exposed to the environment and have to be rigid

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animals do not have cellwall because they have the ability to move from place to place and they have the ability to fight against various climatic conditions while plants does not have the ability to move from place to place .cell wall helps the plants to protect themselves from various climatic conditions.

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Animals do not have cell wall because they have the ability to move from place to place and they have the ability to fight against various climatic conditions while plants does not have the ability to move from place to place .Cell wall helps the plants to protect themselves from various climatic conditions.

Cell wall is made of cellulose which is found in plants and not in animals.

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because it can move to protect itself...

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