Why is deccan plateau mostly consists of thorn forest ?

Dear Student,

a. There are a lot of factors that determine vegetation of any area.
b. Climatic conditions , difference in climatic conditions leads to variation in soil which are suited for different types of plants and crops growth.Temperature - The temperature affects the extent and the character of vegetation. Precipitation - Areas with high amount of rainfall have more dense vegetation.
Climatic conditions , difference in climatic conditions leads to variation in soil which are suited for different types of plants and crops growth
d. Parts of  Deccan plateau  is characterised by less rainfall, and has semi arid climatic conditions.
e. Western ghats acts as a block to moisture laiden winds , thus the region of Deccan plateau receives less rainfall due to which its is characterised by dry and thorny forests.
f. The annual rainfall of the region is 750 mm, and also has extremely hot and dry summers due to which it has dry forests.


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Because it is in great height
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because it is a very dry place and it has hot climate
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