why is hydrogen called as a future fuel?? (need about 300 words)

1. Hydrogen is referred as future fuel because it  has many advantages as a fuel. 
It produces greater amount of energy than other fuels such as diesel, petrol, CNG. It is a clean fuel as it does not produce gases that cause pollution ( like carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide etc). It produces water on combustion with only traces of nitrogen oxide. Its uses  are:

1) As a rocket fuel in space research.
2) It is used in Fuel Cells (type of galvanic cells). The energy produced on its combustion is used to generate electricity.
3) It is also being used as an alternative fuel in some motor vehicles. However, this is not so common as it is highly flammable.

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This is because hydrogen gas is lighter than air and rises into the atmosphere as a result. Natural hydrogen is always associated with other elements in compound form such as water, coal and petroleum. Hydrogen has the highest energy content of any common fuel by weight.
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fossil fuels are non-renewable resource if it get used up it will take millions of years to regenerate and hydrogen is maximum in air and it works same as the fossil fuel . I THINK SO THIS IS THE REASON 
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search in google
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This is because hydrogen gas is lighter than air and rises into the atmosphere as a result. Natural hydrogen is always associated with other elements in compound form such as water, coal and petroleum. Hydrogen has the highest energy content of any common fuel by weight.
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