Why is natural gas known as a clean fuel?

because all impurities are cleaned to make it

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for more information reffer to this site http:// opinionator . blogs . nytimes . com /2013/09/24/ is-natural-gas-clean/?_r=0
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http:/ /www.igu.org /natural -gas -cleanest -fossil-fuel 
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http:// www.livescience.com /52715 -natural -gas-not-as -clean-as -people -think.html
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and remember not to use spacebar
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http:// opinionator .blogs. nytimes. com  /2013/09/24/ is-natural-gas-clean /?_r=0
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  • Because it does not pollute the environment
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One of the reasons natural gas is known as clean fuel is because it emits 50% less carbon dioxide than coal when you burn it. It is not actually 100% clean but comparing to coal it if a clean fuel.
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because it does' t make pollution 
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One reason natural gas is called “clean” is because it emits 50 percent less carbon dioxide than coal when you burn it. Thus it's seen by some as a “bridge” fuel until zero-carbon-producing renewables can take over. But natural gas isn't clean in the way that solar is clean. It's clean-er than coal.
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because dont contain any harmful material
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